Neolife Products for Prostrate Disorder


Key Benefits

  • Optimises immune function and minimises the severity and duration of the adverse effects of seasonal challenges.
  • Supports cellular repair, metabolism, and an efficient immune system.
  • Unique chelation process reduces the chance of stomach irritation.
  • Important for skin, connective tissue and normal prostate function.


  • Supports vision & prostate function*
  • Keeps your metabolism working at its best*


Take 2 tablets daily between meals.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

What is the prostate?

The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that is one of a man’s sex organs, along with the penis, scrotum, and testicles. The prostate produces fluid that is incorporated into semen, which is a mixture of sperm and prostate fluid. The ability of a man to father children is dependent on prostate fluid.

The prostate is located directly in front of the rectum and just below the bladder. At the bladder’s neck, the gland surrounds the urethra. The bladder neck is the junction of the urethra and the bladder. The urethra is a tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the body. During sexual climax, or ejaculation, the urethra also transports semen out through the penis in men. The lower urinary tract includes the bladder and urethra.

What happens when a man has prostate problems?

Urinary and bladder control issues can be symptoms of a prostate problem. If you have bacterial prostatitis, your symptoms may appear suddenly or slowly and last for a long time. If you have BPH, you may need to wake up frequently during the night to urinate.

What is the main cause of prostate problems?

The underlying cause of the link between diet and prostate cancer is most likely hormonal. Fats stimulate the production of testosterone and other hormones, and testosterone has been shown to hasten the progression of prostate cancer. High testosterone levels may activate dormant prostate cancer cells.


  • I.U. Vitamin E – 60 Capsules (Single) — A potent, fat-soluble antioxidant that promotes overall health.
  • Tre-en-en GNLD (120 caps)
    In layman’s terms, this natural wholegrain supplement, provides nutrition at the cellular level, preparing your body to readily absorb higher dosages of other supplements you may eventually add to your program.
  • GNLD’s Masculine Herbal Complex combines 9 herbs in a beneficial, balanced blend that can be used as herbal medicine to support normal masculine function and improve wellness and vitality. GNLD Masculine herbal complex pills, thanks to their wonderful herb blends, can boost your libido and sex drive, as well as treat urinary tract infections such as gonorrhoea, among other things.
  • Ami-Tone is an amino acid supplement that also provides the body with the same amino acids and other nutrients that work with hGH to support fat utilization for energy and the production of lean body tissue.
  • Neolife chelated zinc is a highly bioavailable zinc supplement that supports the immune system, memory, prostate, and eyes.

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