Neolife Products For Asthma



Take 2 tablet daily with food.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Asthma is a long-term lung disease. It causes your airways to become inflamed and narrow, making breathing difficult. Severe asthma can make it difficult to speak or be active. Your doctor may refer to it as a chronic respiratory disease. Asthma is sometimes referred to as “bronchial asthma” by some people.

Asthma is a serious disease that affects approximately 25 million Americans each year and results in nearly 1.6 million emergency room visits. You can live a normal life if you receive treatment. Without it, you may have to visit the ER frequently or stay in the hospital, which can disrupt your daily life.


Causes and Triggers of Asthma
When you have asthma, your airways react to things in your environment. These are referred to as asthma triggers by doctors. They may cause or aggravate symptoms. The following are examples of common asthma triggers:

  • Sinusitis, colds, and the flu are all examples of infections.
  • Pollens, mold, pet dander, and dust mites are examples of allergens.
  • Irritants dislike strong odors such as those found in perfumes or cleaning products.
  • Pollution of the atmosphere
  • Tobacco use
  • Exercise
  • Cold air or weather changes, such as temperature or humidity
  • GERD is an abbreviation for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Anxiety, laughter, sadness, or stress are all examples of strong emotions.
  • Aspirin and other pain relievers

How do I know if I’ve got asthma?

Your doctor may order one or more breathing tests known as lung function tests to confirm asthma. These tests assess your ability to breathe. Lung function tests are frequently performed before and after inhaling a bronchodilator (brahn-ko-DIE-ah-lay-tor), which opens your airways.

Can asthma be cured?

No, asthma cannot be cured completely, but it can be controlled to the point where the symptoms are insignificant. Asthma is not curable because it is a chronic and long-term condition. It is, however, highly treatable if a patient receives professional assistance.


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