Neolife Full Motion


Take 2 tablet daily with food.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Availability: 100 in stock


Neolife Full Motion ingredients are based on cutting-edge research that shows that direct supplementation of Glucosamine, the primary cartilage building block, can support healthy joint function and regenerate lost or damaged cartilage. As a result, you’ll have more comfort, flexibility, and mobility.

Key Highlight

* Healthy joint function, which may aid in the regeneration of lost or damaged cartilage.

• Pharmaceutically pure, biologically functional glucosamine derived from Glucosamine Hydrochloride.

• Easy to digest and sulphite-free, reducing digestive discomfort and allergic reactions.

• Provides 1500 mg of glucosamine, the “therapeutic” dose shown in studies to reduce pain and stiffness.


Aids in the regeneration of lost or damaged cartilage and promotes optimal joint function.

Enhances the body’s natural anti-inflammatory ability.

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